Friday, March 26, 2010

The Garden Bed and a Metaphor.

Have you ever had the experience of focusing on what is clear, bright and obvious?  I have.  I do it all the time.  Today I noticed these beautiful flowers coming up in one of the garden beds.  I focused on the rich, deep colors; it was almost as if the lavishness of all that color was drawing me in.  I stood in awe for a few minutes enjoying the pure unadulterated beauty.  Mmmm, I can still feel the air filling my lungs with each deep breath.  Unfortunately, the moment didn't last for long because something else had caught my eye.

Those large brown, dead, unsightly leaves had drawn my attention.  Debris, I really dislike debris.  It ruins my  view of the way I think things should be and distracts me from the richness that initially drew my attention.  Normally I tend to either find a way to get rid of debris (and dullness) as quickly as possible, or I walk away waiting for a better time to deal with it.  Same with life.  I would so much rather roll around in lavishness than walk humbly amongst the insipid skeletons that I find strewn about in my psyche and personal history.  Interesting how I found this life metaphor right outside my door.

And then there are those areas that are slightly out of focus.  I don't really give much attention to those areas that I can't see clearly - the areas that cause me to strain too much to see what's really there.  Sometimes I think if I can't see something clearly it must not be all that important for me, at least for the time being.  I'm realizing by not paying attention to what is out of focus, or just below the surface doesn't mean it's still not there, but rather that I'm choosing to ignore whatever it is.  Like more of those dead brown leaves, hidden amongst the greenery.  I wonder how many jewels in life I've left hidden for fear of deeper insight.

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